OldSchool Library
pspadhoc.h File Reference

Header file for AdHoc functions and structures. More...

Data Structures

struct  remotePsp
 Structure for holding information about a remote PSP. More...


#define ADHOC_ERROR_WLAN   -1
 WLAN error.
#define ADHOC_ERROR_MAC   -2
 MAC address error.
 Module loading error.
 Network initialization error.
#define ADHOC_ERROR_INIT   -5
 AdHoc initialization error.
 Control initialization error.
 Control connection error.
 PDP creation error.
 Matching initialization error.
 Matching creation error.
 Matching start error.
#define MATCHING_JOINED   0x1
 Another PSP has joined.
 Another PSP selected to match.
 The request has been rejected.
 The request has been cancelled.
 The request has been accepted.
 Connection established between PSPs.
 A PSP has quit.
#define ADHOC_UNINIT   -1
 AdHoc not initialized.
#define ADHOC_INIT   0
 AdHoc initialized.
#define MAX_REMOTEPSP   100
 Maximum remote PSPs.


enum  remotePspState {
 Connection states for remote PSPs. More...


int oslAdhocInit (char *productID)
 Initializes the AdHoc connection.
int oslAdhocGetState ()
 Retrieves the current connection state.
u8 * oslAdhocGetMacAddress ()
 Retrieves the current MAC address of the PSP.
int oslAdhocGetRemotePspCount ()
 Retrieves the number of connected remote PSPs.
struct remotePsposlAdhocGetPspByMacAddress (const u8 aMacAddress[6])
 Retrieves the remote PSP information by MAC address.
struct remotePsposlAdhocGetPspByIndex (int index)
 Retrieves the remote PSP information by index.
int oslAdhocRequestConnection (struct remotePsp *aPsp, int timeOut, int(*requestConnectionCB)(int aPspState))
 Requests a connection to a remote PSP.
int oslAdhocSendData (struct remotePsp *pPsp, void *data, int lenData)
 Sends data to a remote PSP.
int oslAdhocReceiveData (struct remotePsp *pPsp, void *data, int maxLen)
 Receives data from a remote PSP.
struct remotePsposlAdhocGetConnectionRequest ()
 Retrieves a remote PSP that is requesting a connection.
void oslAdhocRejectConnection (struct remotePsp *aPsp)
 Rejects a connection request from a remote PSP.
void oslAdhocAcceptConnection (struct remotePsp *aPsp)
 Accepts a connection request from a remote PSP.
void oslAdhocTerm ()
 Terminates the AdHoc connection.

Detailed Description

Header file for AdHoc functions and structures.

This file contains the declarations and definitions for AdHoc functionalities, including error codes, connection states, and remote PSP management.