OldSchool Library
OSL_FONTINFO Struct Reference

Font information type. More...

#include <text.h>

Data Fields

void * fontdata
 Character image data.
short pixelFormat
 1 = 1 bit (default).
unsigned char * charWidths
 Width of characters.
int charWidth
 Default character width (if charWidths is NULL).
int charHeight
 Height of characters (constant).
int lineWidth
 Number of bytes of data per line.
int recentrage
 Added to text positions for drawing text (recentering).
unsigned char addedSpace
 Space added between characters on the texture.
unsigned short paletteCount
 Palette count.
unsigned long * paletteData
 Palette data.

Detailed Description

Font information type.

This structure holds information about a font, including character image data, palette data, and information about character sizes and widths.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: