OldSchool Library
OSL_IMAGE Struct Reference

Structure representing an image loaded in memory. More...

#include <drawing.h>

Data Fields

u16 sizeY
 Displayable size.
u16 sysSizeY
 Size aligned to the next power of two.
u16 realSizeY
 Actual buffer size (never write outside of these dimensions!)
void * data
 Raw image data in memory.
u8 flags
 Special image flags.
int totalSize
 Total image size in bytes.
short location
 Image location (OSL_IN_RAM or OSL_IN_VRAM)
short pixelFormat
 Image pixel format.
 Palette for 4 and 8-bit modes.
u16 frameSizeY
 Size of a frame in the image.
int y
 Image positions.
int stretchY
 Final image size when drawn (stretched)
float offsetY1
 Offset in the texture.
int centerY
 Rotation center.
int angle
 Angle (rotation) in degrees.

Detailed Description

Structure representing an image loaded in memory.

This structure defines an image in OSLib, including various properties like dimensions, raw data, pixel format, and additional attributes used for drawing and transforming the image.

@struct OSL_IMAGE
@param sizeX
    Displayable width of the image.
@param sizeY
    Displayable height of the image.
@param sysSizeX
    Width aligned to the next power of two, used for system-level optimizations.
@param sysSizeY
    Height aligned to the next power of two, used for system-level optimizations.
@param realSizeX
    Actual buffer width of the image. Never write outside of these dimensions!
@param realSizeY
    Actual buffer height of the image. Never write outside of these dimensions!
@param data
    Pointer to the raw image data in memory.
@param flags
    Special flags for the image, defined by `OSL_IMAGE_FLAGS`.
@param totalSize
    Total size of the image in bytes.
@param location
    Location of the image, either in RAM (`OSL_IN_RAM`) or VRAM (`OSL_IN_VRAM`).
@param pixelFormat
    Pixel format of the image data, determining how the colors are stored.
@param palette
    Pointer to the palette used in 4-bit and 8-bit color modes.
@param frameSizeX
    Width of a frame in the image, useful for animations.
@param frameSizeY
    Height of a frame in the image, useful for animations.
@param x
    X-coordinate of the image position on the screen.
@param y
    Y-coordinate of the image position on the screen.
@param stretchX
    Final width of the image when drawn, allowing for stretching.
@param stretchY
    Final height of the image when drawn, allowing for stretching.
@param offsetX0
    Horizontal offset in the texture for the first point.
@param offsetY0
    Vertical offset in the texture for the first point.
@param offsetX1
    Horizontal offset in the texture for the second point.
@param offsetY1
    Vertical offset in the texture for the second point.
@param centerX
    X-coordinate of the rotation center.
@param centerY
    Y-coordinate of the rotation center.
@param angle
    Rotation angle in degrees, used for rotating the image.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: