OldSchool Library
Audio Player

Provides functionalities for audio playback within OSLib. More...


#define oslSetSoundEndCallback(s, fct)
 Sets a callback function to be invoked when a sound finishes playing.
#define oslSetSoundLoop(s, loop)
 Sets the looping state of a sound.


enum  { OSL_FMT_NONE = 0 }
enum  { OSL_FMT_MASK = 0xff }
enum  { OSL_FMT_MONO = 0 , OSL_FMT_STEREO = 0x200 , OSL_FMT_STREAM = 0x400 }
enum  { OSL_FMT_44K = 0 , OSL_FMT_22K = 1 , OSL_FMT_11K = 2 }
enum  oslInitAudioME_formats { OSL_FMT_AT3 = 1 , OSL_FMT_MP3 = 2 , OSL_FMT_ALL = 3 }


void oslPlaySound (OSL_SOUND *s, int voice)
 Plays a sound on a specified channel.
void oslStopSound (OSL_SOUND *s)
 Stops a currently playing sound.
void oslPauseSound (OSL_SOUND *s, int pause)
 Pauses, resumes, or toggles a sound.
void oslDeleteSound (OSL_SOUND *s)
 Deletes a sound, freeing associated memory.
void oslAudioVSync ()
 Synchronizes audio streaming with the PSP's power management.

Detailed Description

Provides functionalities for audio playback within OSLib.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ oslSetSoundEndCallback

#define oslSetSoundEndCallback ( s,
fct )
(s->endCallback = (fct))

Sets a callback function to be invoked when a sound finishes playing.

This macro assigns a user-defined callback function to a sound object, which is called when the sound reaches the end of its playback. The callback can determine whether to stop the sound, continue playback, or start a different sound on the same channel.

sPointer to an OSL_SOUND structure for which the callback is to be set.
fctPointer to the callback function that will be called when the sound finishes. The function signature should be: int callback(OSL_SOUND* sound, int voice);
  • sound: a pointer to the OSL_SOUND structure.
  • voice: the channel number on which the sound was playing. The callback function must return:
  • 0: to indicate the sound should stop and the channel should be released.
  • 1: to continue playback, which could involve repeating the same sound or starting a different track.
// Define a callback function that replays the same sound
int repeatSound(OSL_SOUND *sound, int voice) {
oslPlaySound(sound, voice); // Replay the sound on the same channel
return 1; // Indicate that playback should continue
OSL_SOUND *backgroundMusic;
// Assume backgroundMusic is already loaded and initialized
// Set the repeat function as the end callback
oslSetSoundEndCallback(backgroundMusic, repeatSound);
// Start playing the background music
oslPlaySound(backgroundMusic, 0);
#define oslSetSoundEndCallback(s, fct)
Sets a callback function to be invoked when a sound finishes playing.
Definition audio.h:440
void oslPlaySound(OSL_SOUND *s, int voice)
Plays a sound on a specified channel.
Represents a sound object in OSLib.
Definition audio.h:25

This macro facilitates dynamic sound management, allowing for complex audio behavior based on application-specific logic.

◆ oslSetSoundLoop

#define oslSetSoundLoop ( s,
loop )
int oslSoundLoopFunc(OSL_SOUND *s, int voice)
Callback function that loops a sound indefinitely.

Sets the looping state of a sound.

This macro configures whether a sound should loop continuously or stop after playing once. It uses the oslSetSoundEndCallback function to assign a loop control callback. If looping is enabled, the oslSoundLoopFunc function is set as the callback, which automatically restarts the sound when it finishes playing. If looping is disabled, no callback is set, allowing the sound to stop after reaching the end.

sPointer to an OSL_SOUND structure representing the sound to configure.
loopBoolean value determining the looping behavior:
  • true (non-zero): Sound loops continuously.
  • false (zero): Sound does not loop and stops after playing once.
OSL_SOUND *music;
// Assume music is loaded and needs to be looped
// Enable looping
oslSetSoundLoop(music, 1);
// Start playing the music, it will now loop indefinitely
oslPlaySound(music, 0);
// To stop looping, you can set it like this:
oslSetSoundLoop(music, 0);
// After the current playback, music will not loop but stop.
#define oslSetSoundLoop(s, loop)
Sets the looping state of a sound.
Definition audio.h:470

Utilizing this macro simplifies the process of managing sound playback, especially for background music or long-standing audio effects in games and multimedia applications.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

General audio format flags for basic settings and operations within OSLib.


Indicates no special format settings are applied. Used as a default or placeholder value.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Mask flags used to isolate or filter out specific bits from format flags, typically used in bitwise operations.


Mask used to isolate or filter out specific bits from format flags, typically used in bitwise operations.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Defines the audio output configuration and streaming capabilities for playback in OSLib. These flags are used to set the properties of audio channels and to control how audio data is processed and delivered.


Mono audio output. Indicates that audio is output through a single audio channel.


Stereo audio output. Indicates that audio is output through two separate audio channels, typically left and right channels.


Stream audio output. Indicates that audio data is streamed from a source rather than being fully preloaded, suitable for large audio files or network streams.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Sample rate options for audio playback.


44,100 Hz sample rate.


22,050 Hz sample rate.


11,025 Hz sample rate.

◆ oslInitAudioME_formats

Defines the formats that need to be initialized for Media Engine (ME) audio. These are used with oslInitAudioME to prepare specific audio codecs.


Atrac3 and Atrac3+ formats.


MPEG Audio-Layer 3 format.


All supported formats.

Function Documentation

◆ oslPlaySound()

void oslPlaySound ( OSL_SOUND * s,
int voice )

Plays a sound on a specified channel.

This function plays a sound on one of the available audio channels, numbered from 0 to 7. If a sound is already playing on the specified channel, it will be stopped and replaced by the new sound. This feature allows up to 8 sounds to be played simultaneously, with each channel capable of handling one sound at a time.

The use of multiple channels enables complex audio scenarios where various sounds do not interfere with each other unless explicitly programmed to do so. For example, background music can be played on one channel, while sound effects like jumps or coin pickups can be managed on others.

sPointer to an OSL_SOUND structure representing the sound to be played.
voiceChannel number on which to play the sound. Valid values are from 0 to 7.
// Example of loading and playing different sounds on separate channels:
OSL_SOUND *music, *coin, *jump, *stomp;
// Assume sounds are already loaded into these pointers.
// Play background music on channel 0
oslPlaySound(music, 0);
// Play a coin pickup sound effect on channel 1
oslPlaySound(coin, 1);
// Attempt to play another coin sound on channel 1, which stops the first coin sound
oslPlaySound(coin, 1);
// Play a jump sound effect on channel 2, allowing it to play alongside the music and coin sound
oslPlaySound(jump, 2);
// Replace the coin sound with a stomp sound effect on channel 1
oslPlaySound(stomp, 1);

The example demonstrates managing different sound effects and music tracks, showing how replacing sounds on the same channel can control audio playback dynamically.

◆ oslStopSound()

void oslStopSound ( OSL_SOUND * s)

Stops a currently playing sound.

This function immediately stops the playback of a specified sound. It is useful for managing audio playback dynamically, allowing you to halt sound effects or music based on game events or user actions. After stopping, the sound can be restarted using oslPlaySound() from the beginning or manipulated further if needed.

sPointer to an OSL_SOUND structure representing the sound to stop. The sound must be currently playing; otherwise, the function has no effect.
Stopping a sound does not free the memory associated with the sound; it only halts its playback. To completely release a sound resource, use oslDeleteSound().
OSL_SOUND *music;
// Assume music is loaded and playing.
// Stop the music based on a user action or an in-game event
// Music can be played again or manipulated further if needed
void oslStopSound(OSL_SOUND *s)
Stops a currently playing sound.

This function is part of the Audio Player group, which includes other audio control functions.

◆ oslPauseSound()

void oslPauseSound ( OSL_SOUND * s,
int pause )

Pauses, resumes, or toggles a sound.

This function controls the pause state of a specified sound. It can pause, resume, or toggle the sound's playback based on the 'pause' parameter. This allows for dynamic control over sound playback, useful in various application scenarios such as pausing the game or responding to user interactions.

sPointer to an OSL_SOUND structure representing the sound to control.
pauseControl the sound's playback state:
  • 1: Pause the sound. If the sound is already paused, it remains paused.
  • 0: Resume the sound from where it was paused.
  • -1: Toggle between pause and play. If the sound is playing, it will be paused; if paused, it will be resumed.
If the sound is not currently playing, calling this function with a resume or toggle command will have no effect.
OSL_SOUND *backgroundMusic;
// Assume backgroundMusic is loaded and playing.
// Pause the music
oslPauseSound(backgroundMusic, 1);
// Later, resume the music
oslPauseSound(backgroundMusic, 0);
// Toggle music playback
oslPauseSound(backgroundMusic, -1);
void oslPauseSound(OSL_SOUND *s, int pause)
Pauses, resumes, or toggles a sound.

This function is part of the Audio Player group.

◆ oslDeleteSound()

void oslDeleteSound ( OSL_SOUND * s)

Deletes a sound, freeing associated memory.

This function stops any currently playing sound and frees all resources associated with it. It is essential to call this function for every loaded sound when it is no longer needed, to prevent memory leaks and to clean up the audio system resources.

sPointer to an OSL_SOUND structure that is to be deleted. If the sound is currently playing, it will be stopped first.
After calling this function, the pointer 's' should no longer be used as it refers to freed memory.
OSL_SOUND *effect;
// Assume effect is loaded and may be playing.
// Delete the sound and free resources
// The pointer 'effect' is now invalid and should not be used.
void oslDeleteSound(OSL_SOUND *s)
Deletes a sound, freeing associated memory.

This function is also part of the Audio Player group.

◆ oslAudioVSync()

void oslAudioVSync ( )

Synchronizes audio streaming with the PSP's power management.

This function ensures that streamed audio files continue to play seamlessly after the PSP resumes from stand-by mode. It should be called regularly within the game loop to maintain audio playback synchronization, especially when handling streamed audio files.

It's crucial to call this function periodically if your application uses streamed audio and the PSP may enter stand-by mode. Failure to call this function frequently enough can result in audio not resuming correctly after the PSP wakes up from stand-by.
This function is included in the call to oslEndFrame, which handles frame-ending procedures including audio synchronization. If you are already calling oslEndFrame in your loop, you do not need to call oslAudioVSync separately. For newer projects, it is recommended to use oslEndFrame for a cleaner and more comprehensive approach to frame management and audio synchronization.
while (gameRunning) {
// Game logic and rendering code here
// Synchronize audio playback with frame management
// Alternatively, if not using oslEndFrame:
void oslAudioVSync()
Synchronizes audio streaming with the PSP's power management.
void oslEndFrame()
Call this function when a frame has ended.

Including this function in your game loop ensures that audio playback issues do not occur after the PSP resumes from a standby state.