OldSchool Library
audio.h File Reference

Header file for audio management in OSLib, providing structures and functions for playing various sound formats. More...

Data Structures

struct  OSL_SOUND
 Represents a sound object in OSLib. More...
struct  osl_audio_channelinfo
 Channel information for internal system use only. More...
 User-facing channel representation, primarily for sound drivers. More...


#define OSL_VOLUME_MAX   0x8000
#define oslAudioSetDefaultSampleNumber(num)
 Sets the default number of samples per audio buffer read.
#define oslSetSoundEndCallback(s, fct)
 Sets a callback function to be invoked when a sound finishes playing.
#define oslSetSoundLoop(s, loop)
 Sets the looping state of a sound.


typedef struct OSL_SOUND OSL_SOUND
 Represents a sound object in OSLib.
typedef int(* oslAudioThreadfunc_t) (int args, void *argp)
 Defines a function type for audio threading.


enum  { OSL_FMT_NONE = 0 }
enum  { OSL_FMT_MASK = 0xff }
enum  { OSL_FMT_MONO = 0 , OSL_FMT_STEREO = 0x200 , OSL_FMT_STREAM = 0x400 }
enum  { OSL_FMT_44K = 0 , OSL_FMT_22K = 1 , OSL_FMT_11K = 2 }
enum  oslInitAudioME_formats { OSL_FMT_AT3 = 1 , OSL_FMT_MP3 = 2 , OSL_FMT_ALL = 3 }


int oslInitAudio ()
 Initializes the audio system.
void oslDeinitAudio ()
 Deinitializes the audio system.
void oslInitAudioME (int formats)
 Initializes Media Engine audio support.
OSL_SOUNDoslLoadSoundFile (const char *filename, int stream)
 Loads a sound file and determines its format based on the file extension.
OSL_SOUNDoslLoadSoundFileWAV (const char *filename, int stream)
 Loads a WAV sound file.
OSL_SOUNDoslLoadSoundFileBGM (const char *filename, int stream)
 Loads a BGM sound file.
OSL_SOUNDoslLoadSoundFileMOD (const char *filename, int stream)
 Loads a MOD sound file.
OSL_SOUNDoslLoadSoundFileMP3 (const char *filename, int stream)
 Loads an MP3 sound file.
OSL_SOUNDoslLoadSoundFileAT3 (const char *filename, int stream)
 Loads an AT3 (ATRAC3) sound file.
void oslSetModSampleRate (int freq, int stereo, int shift)
 Sets the sample rate for MOD file playback in OSLib.
void oslPlaySound (OSL_SOUND *s, int voice)
 Plays a sound on a specified channel.
void oslStopSound (OSL_SOUND *s)
 Stops a currently playing sound.
void oslPauseSound (OSL_SOUND *s, int pause)
 Pauses, resumes, or toggles a sound.
void oslDeleteSound (OSL_SOUND *s)
 Deletes a sound, freeing associated memory.
void oslAudioVSync ()
 Synchronizes audio streaming with the PSP's power management.
int oslGetSoundChannel (OSL_SOUND *s)
 Retrieves the channel number on which a specific sound is currently being played.
int oslAudioCreateChannel (int i, int format, int numSamples, OSL_SOUND *s)
 Creates an audio channel.
int oslAudioRecreateChannel (int i, int format, int numSamples, OSL_SOUND *s)
 Recreates an existing audio channel with new parameters.
void oslAudioDeleteChannel (int i)
 Deletes an audio channel.
int oslAudioOutBlocking (unsigned int channel, unsigned int vol1, unsigned int vol2, void *buf)
 Outputs audio to a channel, blocking until completion.
int oslSoundLoopFunc (OSL_SOUND *s, int voice)
 Callback function that loops a sound indefinitely.


int osl_audioDefaultNumSamples
 Default number of samples per buffer, initialized to 512.
volatile int osl_audioActive [OSL_NUM_AUDIO_CHANNELS]
 Arrays indicating active and busy status of each audio channel.
int osl_suspendNumber
 Counter used to manage suspensions in audio playback.
 Array of OSL_AUDIO_VOICE structures, representing each audio channel's current properties.

Detailed Description

Header file for audio management in OSLib, providing structures and functions for playing various sound formats.