OldSchool Library
oslib.h File Reference

Main Oldschool Library header file. More...

#include <pspkernel.h>
#include <pspdisplay.h>
#include <pspdebug.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pspctrl.h>
#include <psputility.h>
#include <pspgu.h>
#include <pspgum.h>
#include <psppower.h>
#include <pspiofilemgr.h>
#include <psphprm.h>
#include "oslmath.h"
#include "vram_mgr.h"
#include "VirtualFile.h"
#include "drawing.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "messagebox.h"
#include "keys.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "bgm.h"
#include "usb.h"
#include "dialog.h"
#include "osk.h"
#include "saveload.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "browser.h"
#include "adhoc/pspadhoc.h"
#include "ccc.h"
#include "sfont.h"

Data Structures

 Structure for the return value of oslGetRamStatus. More...


#define OSL_VERSION   "1.3.0"
 OSLib version.
#define oslSetQuitOnLoadFailure(enabled)
 Sets the "no fail" mode.
#define oslSetQuitOnLoadFailureCallback(function)
 Sets the function to call in case of failure to load something.
#define oslSetExitCallback(function)
 Sets an exit callback.
#define oslSetFrameskip(val)
 Sets the current fixed frameskipping value.
#define oslSetMaxFrameskip(val)
 Sets the maximum frameskip value.
#define oslSetVSync(val)
 Sets the VSync parameter.
#define oslSyncFrame()
 Synchronization function to be called at the end of a frame.
#define oslUncacheData(data, size)
 Ensures that the data is no longer in the CPU cache.
#define oslGetUncachedPtr(adr)
 Returns a pointer to an uncached address.
#define oslGetCachedPtr(adr)
 Returns a pointer to cached data.
#define oslAbs(x)
 Returns the absolute value of a number.
#define oslMin(x, y)
 Returns the smallest value between the two.
#define oslMax(x, y)
 Returns the greatest value between the two.
#define oslMinMax(x, min, max)
 Returns a value clamped between a minimum and maximum.
#define oslNumberof(n)
 Returns the number of objects in an array.
#define oslPrintf(format...)
 Prints formatted text to the current position of the cursor.
#define oslPrintf_xy(x, y, str, format...)
 Prints formatted text at a specific position on the screen.
#define oslCls()
 Clears the screen (to black) and resets the cursor to the top-left corner of the screen.
#define oslMoveTo(x, y)
 Moves the cursor to a place on the screen.
#define OSL_BENCH_SLOTS   8
 Number of available benchmark slots.
#define OSL_BENCH_SAMPLES   20
 Number of samples used for mean benchmarking.
#define OSL_UVRAM_BASE   ((u8*)0x04000000)
 Base address of the UVRAM (Uncached Video RAM) on the PSP.
#define OSL_UVRAM_SIZE   (2 << 20)
 Size of the UVRAM (Uncached Video RAM) in bytes.
 End address of the UVRAM (Uncached Video RAM) region.


 Flags for oslInit function. More...
enum  {
 Enumeration for benchmark actions in OSLib. More...


void oslInit (int flags)
 Initializes the library.
void oslQuit ()
 Exits the application immediately.
void oslHandleLoadNoFailError (const char *filename)
 Handles errors when a file fails to load in "no fail" mode.
void oslEndFrame ()
 Call this function when a frame has ended.
int oslSyncFrameEx (int frameskip, int max_frameskip, int vsync)
 Synchronization function with explicit parameters.
void oslWaitVSync ()
 Waits for the VSync, synchronizing your game.
int sceDmacMemcpy (void *dest, const void *source, unsigned int size)
 Copies data using the internal DMAC.
int sceDmacTryMemcpy (void *dest, const void *source, unsigned int size)
 Same as sceDmacMemcpy.
void oslFasterMemset (u64 *dst, u64 *src, u32 length)
 Does a memset using the 64-bit capabilities of the CPU.
void oslFlushDataCache ()
 Flushes the whole cache.
void * memalign (size_t alignment, size_t size)
 Allocates a memory block, ensuring it is aligned.
OSL_MEMSTATUS oslGetRamStatus ()
 Gets info about currently available memory in main RAM.
float oslSin (float angle, float dist)
 Calculates the sine of an angle in degrees multiplied by a radius.
float oslCos (float angle, float dist)
 Calculates the cosine of an angle in degrees multiplied by a radius.
int oslSini (int angle, int dist)
 Returns the sine of an angle in degrees (0 to 360) multiplied by an integer radius.
int oslCosi (int angle, int dist)
 Returns the cosine of an angle in degrees (0 to 360) multiplied by an integer radius.
int oslGetNextPower2 (int val)
 Returns the next (upper) power of two of a number.
void oslSetupFTrigo ()
 Sets up the floating-point trigonometric tables.
int oslBenchmarkTestEx (int startend, int slot)
 Does a benchmark action.
int oslMeanBenchmarkTestEx (int startend, int slot)
 Same as oslBenchmarkTestEx but does a mean of 20 samples before returning a value.
void oslSysBenchmarkDisplay ()
 Displays the system benchmark results on the top-left corner of the screen.
void oslVblankInterrupt (int sub, void *parg)
 Handles the VBLANK interrupt.
int oslShowSplashScreen1 ()
 Displays the first predefined splash screen.
int oslShowSplashScreen2 ()
 Displays the second predefined splash screen.


int osl_intraInit
 Indicates if the internal initialization process of OSLib is complete.
int osl_noFail
 Controls the "no fail" mode in OSLib.
void(* osl_noFailCallback )(const char *filename, u32 reserved)
 Pointer to the callback function used when a file load operation fails in "no fail" mode.
int osl_quit
 Indicates whether the application should exit.
int osl_standByUnpermitted
 Controls whether standby mode is permitted.
int(* osl_powerCallback )(int arg1, int arg2, void *common)
 Pointer to the power callback function.
int(* osl_exitCallback )(int arg1, int arg2, void *common)
 Pointer to the exit callback function.
int osl_vblInterruptNumber
 The interrupt number for the VBLANK interrupt.
int osl_maxFrameskip
 Maximum allowed frameskip value.
int osl_vsyncEnabled
 Indicates whether VSync is enabled.
int osl_frameskip
 Current frameskip setting.
volatile int osl_vblCount
 Count of VBLANK interrupts.
volatile int osl_vblCallCount
 Count of VBLANK interrupt calls.
volatile int osl_vblankCounterActive
 Indicates if the VBLANK counter is active.
volatile int osl_skip
 Indicates whether the current frame should be skipped.
volatile int osl_currentFrameRate
 Current framerate setting.
int osl_isinus [361]
 Precomputed sine values for angles from 0 to 360 degrees.
int osl_icosinus [361]
 Precomputed cosine values for angles from 0 to 360 degrees.

Detailed Description

Main Oldschool Library header file.

This header defines the main structures, macros, and functions used in the OldSchool Library (OSLib) framework. OSLib provides a comprehensive set of tools for developing applications on the PSP platform, including graphics, input handling, memory management, and more. This file includes both general utility functions and platform-specific implementations for the PSP.