OldSchool Library
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 COSL_ALPHA_PARAMSStructure containing data for a special alpha effect
 Cosl_audio_channelinfoChannel information for internal system use only
 COSL_AUDIO_VOICEUser-facing channel representation, primarily for sound drivers
 COSL_CONTROLLERController type
 COSL_FAST_VERTEXFast vertex with texture
 COSL_FAST_VERTEX_COLOR32Fast vertex with texture and 16-bit color
 COSL_FONTLoaded font structure
 COSL_FONT_FORMAT_HEADERHeader of a .oft file (Oslib FonT)
 COSL_FONTINFOFont information type
 COSL_IMAGEStructure representing an image loaded in memory
 COSL_KEYBOARDStructure representing the on-screen keyboard (OSK) parameters
 COSL_KEYLISTList of keys
 COSL_LINE_VERTEXUntextured vertex with 32-bit color
 COSL_LINE_VERTEX_COLOR32Untextured vertex with 16-bit color
 COSL_MAPStructure representing a map
 COSL_MEMSTATUSStructure for the return value of oslGetRamStatus
 COSL_PALETTEStructure representing a palette
 COSL_PRECISE_VERTEXPrecise vertex with texture
 COSL_REMOTECONTROLLERRemote Controller type
 COSL_REMOTEKEYLISTList of remote keys
 COSL_SFLETTERStruct describing a single SFont letter
 COSL_SFONTStruct describing a SFont
 COSL_SOUNDRepresents a sound object in OSLib
 COSL_UVFLOAT_VERTEXPrecise texture vertex
 COSL_VIRTUALFILENAMEVirtual file list item
 CoslNetConfigStructure for network configuration
 CoslSaveLoadStructure containing data to save/load
 CremotePspStructure for holding information about a remote PSP
 CVIRTUAL_FILEVirtual File type
 CVIRTUAL_FILE_SOURCEStructure representing a Virtual File Source